Extracting file from files is very easy.
unrar x files.rar # using x will also extract directories. unrar e files.rar # only extract files.
Sometimes when this file is password protected.
I will have some problems to do this.
Here is the example.
unrar e file.rar # below is the output UNRAR 4.01 freeware Copyright (c) 1993-2011 Alexander Roshal Extracting from file.rar Enter password (will not be echoed) for file.txt: # below is the result CRC failed in the encrypted file whatsnew.txt. Corrupt file or wrong password.
Why ? I am sure that I am using the correct password.
The only reason I can think is the password contained some characters not illegal.
Here is the solution.
unrar e -p"xxxxxx" file.rar # xxxxxx is the password.
That’s it !